HomeI love you.Polls**Naive - The kooks.Klik hier niet.be.my.pinguin!Kindermishandeling</3tweety (!!)*Liefdestest<3I love you.�Msn nicknamesss^100%Gezond.Invulverhaal*Ik hou van jou in v��l talen*Paul Frank Aapje.Snoopy.Liefdesgedichtjes!Hoe zoent elk sterrenbeeld?*gedichtju ^MOPPEN !!Tof spelletje ! *NAILPIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FotoboekGastenboekContactVrienden

Boy: Tell me how much you love me
Girl: Look at the sky
Boy: Stop changing the subject
Girl: Just look

- Boy looks up to the sky -

Boy: What am I doing?
Girl: Tell me how many stars there are in the sky
Boy: That's impossible
Girl: So is explaining my love for you.

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